TIA-810 Advanced Cyber Threat Intelligence
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Taught by the "Godfather of Threat Intelligence," students at all levels learn how to produce, consume, use, and evaluate threat intelligence across all cybersecurity operations roles like analysts, pen testers, incident responders.
TIA-201 Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis
Course5.0 average rating (9 reviews)Dive deep with the Diamond Model's principal creator and learn how to improve your security analysis and security operations through the application of the Diamond Model.
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Understanding Threat Intelligence Reports
CourseThreat reports can be like another language. This course help both beginners and experts decipher and evaluate threat intelligence reports and extract the valuable information to enable cybersecurity operations.
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Reading Cyber Threat News Critically
CourseLearn to read cybersecurity threat news with an expert eye towards identifying fear-driven stories (FUD), qualifying sources and information, uncovering questions left unanswered, and exposing paid placement.
Pre-order available now!
Cyber Threat Intelligence for Executives and Leaders
CourseFor executives, leaders, and managers, this course introduces cyber threat intelligence and explains the value of cyber threat intelligence to your organization and how to use it to improve cybersecurity return on investment (ROI) for any enterprise.
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Threat Intelligence Writing
CourseThreat intelligence without customers is no intelligence at all. This course will help any cybersecurity professional involved in threat intelligence ensure that their written products influence decisions and improve cybersecurity.