This course is a short (14-16 hour) introduction to threat intelligence and provides the essentials to those who will see, consume, and share threat intelligence regularly in their job. Mastery of threat intelligence requires at least 160 hours of training. Therefore, this course is an introduction designed for those who find, share, evaluate, and use threat intelligence across the breadth of cybersecurity topics. This course is an excellent foundation focusing on the critical knowledge most professionals need for working competently with threat intelligence. Particularly for those who will encounter threat intelligence in their work weekly or, more often, interact with those who produce threat intelligence for their organization or as a first course for those who will be training further in threat intelligence.
While many intelligence professionals spend their early training on intelligence production fundamentals, that approach tends to produce analysts deaf to decision-makers and intelligence consumers because they learn to produce intelligence before they learn how to use it. This course focuses instead on the principles of intelligence utilization useful for all professionals regardless of eventual role or track.